Privacy Privacy Notice

Sunkara Privacy Notice

Data Collection

We collect personal information including your name, email, location, IP address, and device information. This data is collected through your inputs within the app, as well as technical information provided by the app.

Use Of Data

We collect this data to personalize our service and provide relevant solar maintenance information from third parties. Your data allows us to offer individualized maintenance recommendations and enhance the user experience through personalized alerts and reminders. The solar performance data you provide is anonymized and shared with Sunkara to retrieve advanced maintenance insights. In addition, some data is shared with Google Analytics to help us understand app usage and improve our service.


We are committed to ensuring the security of your data. We implement best practice IT security measures, including robust identity and access management protocols. Our app is hosted on professional cloud servers, ensuring data safety.

User Rights

You have the right to view, edit, and delete your data. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please send an email to Your data will be no longer kept than necessary for maintenance of solar without your consent. Upon deletion of your account, all your personal data will be deleted.


If you have any concerns regarding your data, please contact at

Changes To Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy. Users will be notified of any changes through a pop-up notification within the app. Your continued use of the app signifies your acceptance of our privacy policy.

© 2023 Sunkara All rights reserved.